b krisp


Die Inhalte aller weiterführenden Links waren zum Zeitpunkt der Linksetzung
frei von illegalen Inhalten. Für diese verlinkten Informationen ist Bernhard Krisper
nicht verantwortlich und kann daher keine Haftung für deren Richtigkeit
und Vollständigkeit übernehmen.

Bernhard Krisper
bernhard.krisper( a )gmx.net

Datenschutz / data protection :

On May 25, 2018, the new EU General Data Protection Regulation that serves to increase the security in handling personal data comes into being throughout the EU.
Due to this regulation, i would like to inform you that your email address (once you subscribed (or asked me to subscribe your address) to my newsletter) is exclusively used for the purpose of sending out occasional digital newsletters. On my free mail account I only save your email address as well as, when indicated, your first name and/or your surname. This data is handled carefully and never disclosed to third parties, in any case not without your explicit permission. I would like to keep you informed about my art and events in the future. If you wish to start receiving my information in the form of the digital newsletter, subscribe by clicking the „Kontakt“-button, leave me (at least) your mail address, optionally your name and check the only box there is to check („Ich möchte von b krisp-Konzertterminen…“). If you wish to continue receiving information in the form of the digital newsletter, no further action is required. By doing nothing you give the permission to keep you updated via email. If you are on my mailing list but do not wish to receive any further information in the future, please send me an empty mail (or reply to a current newsletter email) with the subject line „Unsubscribe“. By doing so, all your data will be deleted from my mailing list.
Bernhard Krisper